I am starting to wonder if I am wasting my time telling people things. Seriously! And I am not talking about just in dog rescue at work too. I am a recruiter... not a head hunter but an internal corporate recruiter. My company needs a position filled and I find the person to fill it. We have a packet of information that goes out to a candidate when we hire them, there is a letter with that packet of information that tells them exactly what they need to do... what to do with the paper work (complete it and bring with you on your first day), come in at 8:30am, ask for X manager, return the letter signed stating you are accepting the position by X date. Yet I still get the questions "what do I do with the paper work" "what time do I come in" "who do I ask for" Rude or not I always tell them "all this information is in your letter".

The same thing happens in dog rescue, I go over all the important points of the adoption contract, I walk everyone through every piece of paper in the folder I give them with the dog, I explain what vaccinations the dog has had and when they will need to be repeated, I explain the heartgard and frontline everything! I even have a sheet of paper that says "info to know" this explains that we worm the dogs, the importance of frontline, the importance of heartgard (even include a pamphlet on heartgard), explains the shots what they are for and when they have to be repeated, explains the spay/neuter surgery... everything! Yet I still get calls "My dog has flees. I thought you put flee stuff on him when we adopted him", I explain "Yes, sir I did but it has to be applied every month!".